A huge THANK YOU to everyone who responded to the petition or emailed objections to the plan to remove the NZQA L5 Diploma in Beauty Therapy. We met with Toitu te Wairoa (Health Workforce Development Council) today, and I’m pleased to say that due to your response, they are keeping the Beauty Therapy level 5 Diploma course. It was your collective voice that made the difference. We need your continued support!
This has been a hard-fought battle with the education bureaucracy and follows our achievement last year gaining recognition that Beauty and Skin Therapies belong in the health sector.
We now face further challenges from Local Authorities that will increase your business costs.
Please consider joining the NZ Board of Professional Skin Therapies or making a donation towards the time and costs of working on your behalf .
For any further assistance please email admin@nzbpst.co.nz) or phone the NZBPST for advice.
Regards, Julie Martin Chair NZ Board of Professional Skin Therapies E: admin@nzbpst.co.nz M: 021 02294638 W: www.nzbpst.org
Posted: Fri 09 Sep 2022